About IVCE

Culture program

Nhip Song Magazine

Education program



Educational Project for Vietnam

I. Study Abroad in America

IVCE has been launching the "Study Abroad in America" program since 2000 to help students in Vietnam pursue higher education abroad. Our goal is to provide information about admission and scholarships in the U.S., as well as to give students tools to improve their chances of gaining admission and securing financial aid.

Through our outreach and educational programs over the past years, IVCE has received hundreds of questions from Vietnamese students regarding U.S. admission and scholarship programs annually. Our most well received program has been the "Study Abroad in America" conference, which we conduct in Vietnam every summer. The overwhelming interest of Vietnamese students in this topic reinforced our commitment to providing these types of services. Our experience with the students demonstrates to us that there is a high number of students qualified to study in the U.S. but are unable to do so for lack of procedural knowledge. We plan to hold more seminars over the next summers to facilitate discussions and provide a forum for direct interaction between us and interested students.

According to the Institute of International Education, the number of Vietnamese students attended U.S. colleges and high schools in 2023 are approximately 22,000.

IVCE has helped more than 10,000 people for study abroad in America between 2002 and 2014 throughout Vietnam.

We believe students who have the opportunity to study abroad will bring back with them ideas and concepts from American universities that can contribute to the development of Vietnam.

II. Vietnam Teaching Assistantship (ViTA)

The ViTA program is the companion to our “Study Abroad in America” workshop series.  Through ViTA, IVCE actively recruits and develops a group of Vietnamese-American college and graduate students to teach TOEFL, SAT, GRE & GMAT, English workshops to students this summer in Vietnam.

Type of work: Teaching your choice of TOEFL, SAT, GRE or GMAT classes in Vietnam
Eligibility: At least a Sophomore in college.
Length of project: 8 weeks (4-week stay in two cities) or longer.
Location: Can Tho University, Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang University, Da Nang University, Ha Noi Institute of Technology, and Thai Nguyen University.

III. Book Drive

Since 1997, the Nhip Song Book Drive has been collecting and shipping to Vietnam textbooks donated by students in the U.S. These books cover many subjects, including biology, ecology, civil & environmental, engineering, business, medicine, and nursing. We would like to thank all of you who have contributed textbooks, as well as those (including the VSAs) who have donated funds to cover shipping costs. The textbooks were delivered to:

Ho Chi Minh Library (Thư viện KHTH, Saigon) in 1998: 350 books.
Hanoi National Librarry (Thư viện Quốc Gia, Hanoi) in 2000: 140 books,160 Journals.
Hanoi University of Technology (Ðại Học Bách Khoa Hanoi) in 2000: 80 books.
Da Nang University of Technology (Ðại Học Bách Khoa Ðà Nẵng) in 2003: 265 books, 60 journals.
University of Da Nang (Ðại Học Ðà Nẵng) in 2003: 80 books.
College of Medicine, Hue University (Ðại Học Y Khoa Huế) in 2003: 175 books, 120 journals.
Hanoi National University (Ðại Học Quốc Gia Hanoi, Khoa Ngôn Ngữ Học) in 2003: 200 journals.

We are now launching the Nhip Song Book Drive 2003-2004 and are seeking your help. The next shipment of textbooks will be delivered to the Mekong Delta area. We urge you to consider donating your textbooks to our worthy cause rather than re-selling them. Your generosity can make a big difference in the education and betterment of thousands of Vietnamese students and faculties by providing them with the tools they need to build a better Vietnam for the 21st century.